DYK # 20: Did you know ... the time to take CX action is now!

We’ve been talking about Insights to Action (I2A) a bit lately, and that’s for a good reason. It’s important. Unfortunately, it’s not easy.

Over the last few weeks I had the pleasure of having many conversations on the topic of Insights to Action, and it lead to this summary DYK # 20, “Did you know … the time to take CX action is now!”

One of the most intriguing quotes I’ve heard recently was from Brad Anderson (Qualtrics), stating that “We (organisations) used to be data rich & insights poor. Now we’re insights rich & data poor.”

He’s absolutely right.

So let’s unpack this.

The Insight to Action Framework comprises 3 stages: Listen, Analyse, Act (check our DYK # 5 on the I2A Framework).

In short:

  • The “Listening phase” is all about listening to your customers, and collecting feedback. That’s across traditional surveys and unsolicited feedback sources. During this phase technology does the heavy lifting, and humans need to decide what sources to include.

  • The “Analysis phase” includes consolidation of feedback, data analysis and insights generation. Technology plays a key role here as well, and with the recent GenAI developments, the quality of analysis and insights has improved tremendously over the last 12’ish months.

  • Despite some great developments from vendors to include recommendations and next steps in the analysis phase, the “Act phase” is still very much Human driven. While tech can help us identify actions, You still have to actually do it!

Technology helps us mature CX programs through the stages of the I2A framework. We’ve become smarter at collecting feedback from a larger variety of sources, and GenAI has made data analysis and insights generation a lot easier for us. (For more on that topic, check our DYK # 19)

What's still challenging however, is moving those insights into actions and implementing changes.

Moving through the I2A stages looks like this:

❌Data poor: Limited ability to collect customer feedback (surveys, digital, unsolicited, etc.)

❌Data rich, insights poor: Lots of data available, but unable to make sense of it all.

❌Insights rich, action poor: Richt tech in place to generate quality insights and recommendations, but lacking the ability to drive action (change) on the back of feedback.

✅Action rich: Great insights at our fingertips, and a culture of customer centricity, paired with the right structures and processes in place to drive CX improvements at all levels of the organisation.

It’s vital to be action rich if you’re wanting to prove ROI (Return on Investment) for your CX program. ROI is still the number 1 issue for CX professionals! But without making any changes to the current customer experience, you also won’t see any ROI!

ROI challenges are often tied to organisation’s inability to:

A) Drive action to enable experience improvements across all levels of the organisations

B) Link those actions to tangible outcomes

We often talk about B) without having A) in place! So make sure you have your ducks in a row before you attempt to tackle the ROI challenge.

Additional resources:

I hope you found this DYK helpful. As always, we’re happy to help 🙂

#CX #customerexperience #VoC #customerfeedback #ROI #I2A #InsightsToAction #Technology #GenAI


DYK # 21: Did you know that Insights to Action that’s lacking the ‘Action’ part results in rather poor customer experiences?”


DYK # 19: Did you know that GenAI is going to shake things up for your CX program?